
Showing posts from August, 2021


 Years ago when I was like 24 or 25, I was in a position with dubious consent-- I hadn't noticed how drunk the other person was, she was carrying it VERY well-- buuuut then she threw up xD  and I was like "Oh fuck," after puking all over my bed, my *also* buzzed ass was like "oh shit, she's gonna be hurting tomorrow.)  So I don't know if this follow up was wrong? I feel super dumb for not noticing she was drunk--but up until the puke point, she  exhibited NO signs that she was too drunk to consent. She wasn't falling asleep or swinging around weird, or going limp.  I think what happened is (we'd been flirting the whole night) I think she drank faster to work up the nerve to talk to me and make that move on me. So it hit her all at once. :( Unfortunate, xD she's cute, she didn't have to be too smooth lol. I was very close to virginal in those days lol especially with women.  She had said she was interested in me WHILE sober and she didn't e


 Fibromyalgia symptoms are resurfacing HARD after a good 3 years of having it under control. x3x; My back is shot, the brain fog is chaos. The second I get home, I'm vegging out and complaining.  I had ramen yesterday and I think the salt is making it worse, because right after, I got the leg tingling.  >:I and if *any* physical pain makes me cry, then it's BAD. I got dermals in my face >:C pain is not a problem. The bf lost a guilty gear battle over it, ffff ;w; "Pls don't cry" I was mostly crying over the thought of being immobile again .-. pain was secondary, although it SUPER pissed me off when I was trying to sleep with it...fuckin RLS.   I haven't been able to really go to the gym either x3x; but I gotta fix my diet first...This isn't good.  Haven't really made anything in a while. No art no nothing. I've had this migraine that isn't going away for almost 2 weeks now.  I toyed around with the idea of making a webcomic o3o <3 and