
So my coworker has a crush on me.
Hes married and he knows I'm engaged x3x 

But it's becoming obvious he thinks he can take this somewhere but he can't.

See, when I say I don't want kids, my fiance says "neither do I."

But my coworker said that "maybe something will change my mind."

Dudes who respect consent are top tier 😤 
And I didn't get engaged to by being a flakey bitch.

I def don't mind friendship, but I hope he doesn't mind it either >n> bc I don't do my partners like that. 

I've been fiercely faithful since I was a kid o3o I remember being told by a serial cheater that loyalty was different from fidelity and I was like "oh no it is not." You can't be loyal to someone while you betray them.

That isn't loyalty.

Today I got into an accident. A minor fender bender. And I hit my head and my knee. I was shaking and forgot what my ins provider was. Eventually I figured it out and the guy called his ins company, so that's gonna go up now. X3x I feel so dumb...even tho my last REAL accident was 5 years ago when I was 26

And before that? I was 19. And it was another fender bender.

It's statistically impossible to not hit a few cars in my lifetime, but got I feel so dumb....it was such a stupid mistake x3x the other guy's car is worse off than mine...but ffff I'm not looking forward to the penalty this will earn us....

Taf was good about it and didn't make me feel bad, he just wanted to make sure I was okay.  


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