
    Trying to be a bit more consistent with these posts; but I'll probably fall off them again soon. 
I just have a lot to bitch about I guess. 

    Family is always kind of exhausting to think about it--mostly my step dad. And the shock of how he is to everyone who didn't grow up with him and his shit. 

Like, "Yeah I know. He sucks and he always has." 
I don't know what to tell you. But my "childhood" (if you wanna call it one lol) stories should've been prep. 

On facebook, my feeds are flooded by this artist who apparently can't or just doesn't get a therapist--it's draining as fuck, and on top of the fact that they complain about shit that makes *no* sense to anyone on the outside, (like being unhappy with their art which is the sole reason I keep 'em on my friends list to begin with because their mental health shit is dISMAL and it's bringing me down, but if I unfollow I'll miss their art posts.) 

On top of being just *miserable* all the fucking time, they also police and pre-empt people's *possible* attempts to support or comfort them. And then bitch about being lonely and shit. 

Like, you can't do both. You can't tell people "DON'T SAY THIS--I KNOW I'M MENTALLY ILL" and then act all shocked when you're fucking ignored. 

No one knows what to say to all that short of "I love your art" 
Seriously, you're fucking insufferable on your bad days, and if that doesn't say something about your art actually being good I don't know what does. 

If you have to wake up and delete a full status because you showed your ass again over and over, then maybe you should find a way to make those therapy sessions happen. 

Just. Fucking. Saying. 

People are fucking distressing ._____. 


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