
 It's my mom's bday today. I think she's 57 now. 
Gonna have to send her a bday message. 

In other news, I had to recently unfriend someone for vague booking me and then--kind of sort of abandoning me over my gym selfies. 

...I was legit dying like 5+ years ago, and I find it REALLY rude that someone decided to vague book and lump me in with people who (probably weren't even) body checking. 

I'm incredibly proud of my progress because I'm not just working out now, I'm eating better too.

Right after I gently confirmed the person's intention, they FURTHER fell off the planet. I had snoozed them out of my own hurt but I realized this person NEVER interacts with my posts--even if I tag them. 

So I didn't feel much like a friend anyway. I unfollowed all their socials and then shortly after deleted them. I recently *re-added* someone I'd removed, simply because I've def had lazier and less interactive people on my list. Maybe I was ready to just view this person as a decent acquaintance instead of putting pressure on them to be a legit friend. It's sad, but I actually really like that person, so I don't want not speak to them o3o and I liked our lil interactions. idk. 

The other friend I'd removed, I'm still gonna keep him off; because I feel like he wasn't upfront with me about some things that would've have made this misunderstanding completely non-existent. 

This week was VERY busy and hectic, but thankfully went by quickly. 
Unfortunately I'm not getting a break xD But I already told the family I'm not doing sHIT on my birthday >n> they cANNOT MAKE ME >:I I'm gonna go dancing on the 3rd and on the 4th--I'mma day drink like I wanted to last year >n> but I was forced to attend a wedding pfffft.

Sister in law is leaving MUCH earlier than anticipated :( and I'm a little hurt by it tbh. She's cutting it short because her mom and aunt are being SUPER mean about her weight gain. 

I'd tried to encourage them to come stay at our place but they neither refused or accepted--just, laughed it off I guess? Which sucks cuz I made an effort to keep them away from those bad vibes but I feel like *I'm* being punished/robbed of time with my SIL and BIL just because someone ELSE couldn't keep their mouths shut...

They're leaving less than a week before my birthday...I feel like I've been slapped, it's incredibly rude. And now I have to cook food for HER friends and their kids, and I have no fucking idea why? Because it literally just feels like they came to abduct the FAMILY dog from their young 11 year old cousin, and dip. 

Like, why should I help them do anything??? I'm mad af...but I feel like Taf isn't taking it as seriously
:( I might need to discuss this more with him...Sit him down and tell him I really don't like this. I'll still do it, but I will not be happy, and I'm not excited.

The fam liked my tofu tomato stir fry tho ;w; <3 that was nice, I fed it to my FIL (father in law lol) 
and they REALLY liked the sauce >w< he mentioned all the things he would top it with if we had it :c <3 but, alas~we did not. 

>n> SIL only ate the fucking sauce and talked about making Masala with it RIGHT after saying she liked it the way I made it >n> like...girl which is it??? 

>n> maybe my mother in law was right. This isn't the same sister in law I immediately vibed with when I moved in almost 5 years ago :( and not in the "I'm married and had to grow up" kind of way I was expecting. More like "I've lost my personality and only feel remotely like myself when my husband is around. Also MEEEEE to hell with what the dog or my little cousin wants" 

A person who can't put an *animal's* needs before their own is DEF not fucking ready for kids, js.


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