
 So I left this comment on an influencer's page on IG, and they legit felt the need to tell me they have a boyfriend O_o 

...Like, girl. No. 
I don't flirt with influencers and content creators as a general rule, xD that's dumb. 

I think if you're going to go and make a career out of being attractive online and doing makeup looks and modelling, you gotta learn not to assume everyone's legit flirting with you, or learn to not worry if they do/are. 

Because you're job is to draw in a follower base with your looks O_o so why bug about it? I'm sorry that she felt the need to get so defensive, but when *that* was the only comment she responded to, it made me feel like I already made a garbage impression, 

So I delete the other comments, unliked everything and unfollowed--thinking that if I stayed, I'd just continue to make her feel uncomfortable. 

And that makes *me* uncomfortable, so I would always have something of a bad taste in my mouth from that interaction. 

I literally had no where else to post this interaction, but at least most people don't read my blog, so it's safest to put it here...


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